There are now twenty-five six-month-old cubs at ABR. All but three of them are out in Wild Enclosures. The final three will join them very soon.

Here are Daphne and Velma, who are in Enclosure 1 with their brother, Scooby. They are starting to wreck the new sod and the recently improved enclosure.

They are wrecking and destroying the small saplings in the enclosure.

They spend a lot of time wrestling!

One cub reclines on the grass, chewing on a tree branch.

In Enclosure #2, a cub is on the way down, on a tree that may not be strong enough to support it! Timber!

The perpetrator-cub was fine, and the rest of the cubs took off. The tree was not so good, though.

There lies the tree – R.I.P.

The cubs are on the move, and never still except when they are asleep.

One cub in Enclosure #3, one cub sits alone. . .

. . . until suddenly there were a lot of cubs! They came from everywhere!

The Forbidden Tree is a  challenge to at least one cub in each season.

In the Acclimation Pen, the fourth cub in the Gatlinburhers family, Special Sauce Bear, waits impatiently to get out.

After playing, wrestling, and foraging, they tire out and flop down for a nap.

A cub in Enclosure #4 is testing the theory of gravity. Which will win?

Sploosh! Gravity wins again! The rest of the cubs scattered.

Lyles and Slick are in an Acclimation Pen, but will be out very soon.

Special Sauce (or Saucy) Bear is eager to get out into the Wild Enclosure. It won’t be long!