Each day is different at ABR, though a lot is the same – like which cubs are where. Cubs have short memories so Peeps and her friends in Wild Enclosure #4, who were so intent on dismantling (and draining) the pool a few days ago are now just using it in a normal way, to drink from and swim in.

The cubs grab a drink as they pass by the Cubby Pool on their way to forage.

They find some yummy snacks as they forage through the retired Christmas trees. There are probably tasty bugs there.

The cubs make paths through the enclosures. Sometimes the paths run along the fence. This year, the cubs’ paths are between the fence and the underbrush, into the middle of the enclosure.

With seven cubs in Wild Enclosure #3, it’s hard to catch all of them in a single photo. They appear and then disappear into the trees or into the Underneath.

Duke, Daisy Mae, Jellybean, and Jackie P. woke up before the cameras switched to daylight mode.

They had to untangle from their cubby pile.

Wake up! It’s time to start the day!

And off they go!

Over in the Recovery Center, Puff and SuBearu played into the wee hours. They are being so patient!