The rooms in the Recovery Center were becoming too crowded for three cubs, so curators decided to move them to larger quarters in the Cub House with adjoining Acclimation Pen.

First, they had to transform the bare pen into a habitat for three cubs.

Greenery and swingy balls are popular elements.

Transformation is complete! Next was the move itself.

The cubs were not pleased. They expressed annoyance at the curators, the new room, and the experience.

After spending the first night on the platform, they ventured out this morning, and made their way cautiously down the unfamiliar log.

Lots of new smells, new textures, new experiences!

They had a discussion, but we aren’t privy to what was discussed.

It was so important that they stood up to make their points!

Shadow climbed up, while Casper tried to get the swingy ball to come back.

Peeps chomped down on Casper’s foot (maybe she wanted him to give her a turn with the ball?)

Oops! Casper went head-over-heels.

No worries! Cubs have padding and bounce back easily.


Peeps, Shadow, and Casper are busy trying to demolish the new digs. Good cubs!

In the Hartley House Acclimation Pen:

Daisy Mae and Duke wrestle on the plank.

Next door, Tots is doing well.

She is taking her meds and eating her food.

The trio next door napped at the door between the rooms. Tots can’t meet them yet, but they are getting acquainted by scent.

We just realized that we promised to post about Tots’ return to UTCVM. We will do that in a few minutes.