Yesterday we shared photos of the cubs on their eight-month birthday. Today we have the rest of the photos. We hope you enjoy them. It’s hard to get good pictures of the individual cubs, so you will find that some cubs are seen more than others. You can see that they are growing as they forage on natural foods at ABR.

They don’t always face the camera. Here is Lyles, rear view.

Mac, one of the Gatlinburghers, foraging.

Meadow forages.

Looking down on Mojo.

Patty, a Gatlinburgher, grabs a pool peanut (the best kind).

Pickles, also a Gatlinburgher, is foraging.

Puff (outside) and Casper (in pool).

Mojo has a dreamy look.

Scooby is finding some yummy treats.

Puff and SuBearu, plus their shadows.

Shadow finds an apple as he forages.

Slick, from the back.

Special Sauce (Gatlinburgher) spots a peanut.

SuBearu and Puff.

Sundae has a nice round bottom. Good bear!

Scooby on the platform.

Velma investigates.

Velma snoozes.

Sundae at the drinking tub that substitutes for a pool on occasion.


So there you have it – a good look at the ABR cubs in the Class of 2024. Quite a crew, don’t you think? Stay tuned for more.