Janet Dalton
Janet Dalton

Curator Janet

Three bear cubs require a lot of time and attention, just like human babies. Although we absolutely minimize human contact (even our curators limit their face time with the little ones) there is a lot to be done – in addition to the very frequent feedings, there is the formula preparation and frequent loads of laundry, to wash the towels that are used in the cage. When Bennie and Jerry had been with us for about 3 weeks, it was obvious that we needed another part-time curator to give Coy and Rick some relief.

We were very fortunate that one of our volunteers had the experience and training needed to be hired as a part-time, mainly weekend curator. Janet Dalton, who is an elementary school principal, had taken bearkeeper training in Minnesota,and had studied the natural history of bears. She was the obvious choice to become our 3rd curator. Janet has been the weekend curator at ABR for a month now, and has made a big difference in our ability to give the cubs the constant care they need.  The photo shows Janet feeding one of the cubs.  It was taken a couple of weeks ago.  Now, she says she does not have to hold the cub in this way.  The cubs can take their bottles without being held!