The most recent arrival at ABR is #420 – Meadow Bear. She was rescued after her mother was hit by a vehicle and so severely injured that she had to be euthanized. Today we share some pictures from her visit to the UTCVM and her settling in at ABR.

Meadow at UT. She is healthy and weighs 25 pounds.Like the other cubs at ABR, she is seven months old.

Her arrival at Hartley House. She will spend a couple of days here, taking her deworming medications.

Her first night went well.

She checks all the boxes – good appetite and good plumbing!

She will have nothing to do with the bed and the member of the Toy Brigade. Remember, she has lived in the wild for seven months!

Meadow slept on the floor. She’s not happy with her confinement, but it won’t last long. She’ll be out in a Wild Enclosure very soon!

Stay tuned to see which enclosure she enters and how it goes!