When cubs are in hyperphagia, their main focus is eating as much as they can in each 24-hour period. Food is what they think about and what they do is to eat as much as possible. This is also true of bears of all ages in the wild, of course. Our cubs are simply responding to the innate knowledge that hibernation is just around the corner, and they must prepare by putting on as much weight as they can. To us, they seem to be lazy compared to the constant, frenetic energy they were expending on their play and wrestling just a few weeks ago. It isn’t laziness, though, it’s just nature telling them to get busy and pack on the pounds. And that’s what ABR does – provide plenty of nutritional, natural foods to accomplish that goal. This is a short video that illustrates the eating and lazy play we mentioned. It took a long time to get the video, because there was so much sameness (eating or resting) that it could be boring. But we think you will enjoy this peek at the cubs experiencing hyperphagia. Click here