Learn about bears through games!
First stop – registration

The Black Bear Expo, held on May 21st, offered visitors a number of opportunities to learn about bears and how to coexist in bear country. 

Here are two of the popular exhibits.
Lisa told about the ABR cubs
Two of our featured speakers – Lisa Stewart, ABR Curator, who entertained visitors with humorous and insightful stories about our current cubs and other cubs from years past.  She also thanked everyone for their support of the rehabilitation efforts. 

Kim Delozier, retired bear biologist

Kim Delozier, who recently retired from 30 years with Great Smoky Mountains National Park, talked about what an asset ABR is to the Park when it comes to dealing with orphaned bear cubs in the park and surrounding areas.  He told some stories of bears that he had to relocate during his tenure as a park ranger.