Our yearling has been very patient, even though his confinement in the ABR Recovery Center was a very unnatural occurrence for him. He was so very underweight and malnourished when he arrived, weighing just 25 pounds (a weight more logical for a cub at this time of year) that he needed to eat and gain weight. Recently, Spruce signaled that his patience was wearing thin, and so, on September 19th he was released back into the wild, where he belongs. This very short video includes how forlorn he looked when rescued and how happily he ran off into the woods yesterday. It is sure to make you smile, perhaps through happy tears, and we’re sure that you will join us in wishing Spruce Bear a long and happy life where he belongs! To watch, just click https://fb.watch/uJzIqpNNJJ/.

Release days are always happy/sad but we know that he is now back in the wild and that is the best outcome!