There is no doubt that the cubs are in hyperphagia,when nature commands them to eat as much as they possibly can, in order to survive the long sleep of hibernation that is just around the corner.

These cubs, in Wild Enclosure #1 started foraging at dawn, and continued throughout the day.

After such intense work, one cub takes a break.

Another cub has arms and legs tangled up.

Perhaps this one wants to know about the odd sitting position.

Just thinking deep thoughts.

Jellybean is sleeping soundly (between foraging).

Enclosure #2 – all together now – ZZZZZZZZ.

We’re seeing signs of chonkifying!

Enclosure #3 – were up at dawn, now napping (except a couple).

Cubby rules – if one is awake, all must be awake!

Get up – it’s time to eat!

Seven of the eight cubs in Wild Enclosure #3. Light blue arrow points to ears of one that isn’t really seen.

Shadow lives up to his name – he’s seldom seen.

Spruce the yearling likes to sleep in his hammock.

Curators scatter food in among the leaves, so Spruce has to forage.

He’s good at finding the treats in amongst the leaves.

In his second room, there is also food tucked in among the branches. He gets more food in bowls, too. Lucky Yearling!