Coy reaches into cage

Boston Bear’s Big Move!

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Boston Bear weighs 10 pounds now (remember, when he arrived on April 23rd he weighed just 3 pounds) and that means he is ready for the next step in his rehabilitation at ABR!  These photos show the procedure for moving him from the Cub Nursery to the outdoor pen in the “donut ring” area.  This is the pen where Bennie, Jerry, and Carrie were housed until recently.  It gives him more space, more opportunity to climb, and most importantly, it gets him outdoors where he should be.

Coy reaches into cage

Curator Coy capturing Boston Bear


Coy with Boston in carrier

Coy carries Boston into “Donut Ring”


Coy lets Boston go into pen

Into the new pen he goes


Boston in new pen

Boston in his new home


Close-up photo

Close-up of Boston in new home