Yes. that’s right – ABR admitted another set of triplets, three sisters, just yesterday. Sadly, their mother had been eating trash and was approaching people for food. She was setting a very bad example (and a dangerous one) for her offspring, and had to be euthanized.

The cubs went to UTCVM for the usual entrance examination.

This cub, nicknamed Fuzzy, weighed in at 30.8 pounds! Her sisters, Mojo  and Bubbles, each weighed 33 pounds!

Proof of the ingestion of trash – this piece of plastic was found during the fecal exam of Mojo. She passed more at night, at ABR.

After a snack (healthy variety) they fell asleep in Hartley House.

The sisters were trying to figure out where they were and what was going on.

They are very curious.

They discovered that the pool is bendy!

These girls are active cubs.

We think the curators will want them out of Hartley House ASAP!

For now, they have to be separated to take their deworming meds.

They don’t like that, but it is only for two days, and the separation is short.

Curator Katrina puts treats on the climby thing to keep them interested.

Mojo is first to check on it.

She also rolls a treat ball filled with dried meal worms. Yum!

The three sisters come together for breakfast. We hope they do well and are able to go into a Wild Enclosure very soon!