Let’s look in at the cubs and see what they are doing today.

Jackie P is improving. He is eating Fox Valley Bear Milk Replacement formula, a little puppy chow, and berries mashed with his meds.

Tots is doing very well. She’s eating ½ cup Puppy Chow. ½ cup of peanuts in a separate bowl. A third bowl with mashed berries and her meds. Plus 1 apple and some lettuce.

Puff is hanging in there. She has a bowl of Bear Milk Replacement formula, another bowl with softened puppy chow, and a third bowl with mashed berries and her meds.

The trio – left to right – Daisy Mae, Duke, Jellybean.

Whew! It’s tiring being a bear cub!

Jellybean is a nice pillow for Daisy Mae.

Duke comes over.

He tries to squeeze in.

Are you sleeping?

The answer was a chomp!

Maybe space is better.

Peace at last for Jellybean!

What happened? Where is everybody?

The other two come back to get Jellybean to play with them.

The cubs are on a tear now! Watch out!