We have a new photo of Alonzo Bear in a tree in Wild Enclosure #4. Seems that he was the only one who was visible enough for the curator to take this “closeup” with a zoom lens. The other resident of Wild Enclosure #4 is Wily Bear, and he was apparently in hiding. This photo of Alonzo is really a good one, though, so we’re sure you’ll enjoy it. The little bear was ABR bear #249 and arrived on Valentine’s Day weighing 12.9 pounds. Although he wasn’t injured or very sick, he did have the usual parasites and was malnourished for his age of 12 months. The photo shows that Alonzo now is a healthy yearling with a good coat of fur. He will be weighed again at release, and we are betting that he’ll weigh about what Skipper did (47 pounds) when he was released a few days ago.

Alonzo Bear in a tree in his Wild Enclosure.
He has become a handsome young bear and is ready to face the challenges of the wild life he was born to live.