The seven ABR cubs, all three-and-one-half months old, are doing well, each in their own way.
In the Hartley House, the trio sleeps. One of them is sleeping in the food bowl!
Perhaps they didn’t like having a cub in the food bowl, but for whatever reason, they readjusted themselves so all three could rest on the hammock.
In Acclimation Pen #1, one of the cubs is ripping up the firehose bumper on the platform. This is a popular activity each year.
The trio cubs are very interested in their next door neighbor. They are getting acquainted through their noses.
On the other side of the door, Tots is just as interested in them. Sniff sniff!
Tots seems to be all right with her own company. She has two rooms and is doing well. She takes her antibiotics in beary sauce mixed with yogurt.
Cubby chaos in Acclimation Pen #4!
Peeps, Shadow, and Casper are really enjoying the extra space and the amenities (swingy balls and climbing logs).
Look at this! A cub finds a new way to climb, under the log!
The three cubs in a wrestlng mosh pit. Any concerns about how Peeps would do with the brothers (sometimes referred to as the Bruiser Brothers) has been dispelled, as she is holding her own very well!