It looks like a desert at ABR, as we have a big rain deficit. Even the recently planted sod that the curators laid, to try and repair the damage by recent occupants, didn’t have a chance to take hold without rain.

Not a blade of grass in sight, but the cubs don’t seem to care.

They forage for peanuts and other treats provided by the curators.

Remember how Jellybean wrecked the faucet and moved the pipe so it can’t fill the pool?

Yes, Jellybean – it was your fault!

Is this an admission of guilt? He went to work.

By accident (probably) or on purpose, he realigned the pipe!

Work finished! This saves the curators from having to enter the enclosure again, to make the repair. How long will it last? Anyone’s guess!

Jackie P. jumps over the log.

Six of the eight cubs in Wild Enclosure #3. Just hanging out.

“Dusty butt” syndrome from rolling around in the dirt.

Three cubs in Wild Enclosure #4 make a rare appearance. They are seen less than the cubs in the other enclosures.

The tree canopy shields them from prying eyes or the camera!

Yearling Spruce Bear is doing well. He likes to rest and snooze in his firehose hammock. Hopefully he will be ready for release back into the wild very soon!