In the middle of the aptly named “Jeep Invasion” in Eastern Tennessee, which resulted in huge crowds in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and Townsend, a female bear was hit by a vehicle in Gatlinburg. When officers reached her, they found that she had a broken back, which left no choice but to euthanize her. There was one cub with the female bear, and her rescue proved challenging,due to the massive traffic jams.

ABR Operations Director Greg Grieco was on call and not too far away, but he couldn’t get to ABR for needed supplies. Intern Hayden gathered the supplies and went to meet Greg, but due to the traffic it took much longer than usual. Fortunately, Greg used his contacts with the national park and was able to enlist the help of Bear Experts Bill and Hank, who were able to get to the location promptly and trap the cub. Greg made his way through the Jeep Invasion traffic, and took the cub to Hartley House, where she spent the night with plenty of food and a member of ABR’s Volunteer Toy Brigade to keep her company.

This morning, Hayden and Curator Jamie took #420 to UTCVM for her intake exam. Nicknamed “Meadow Bear,” she is healthy and weighs 25 pounds. It is expected that after she finishes the deworming medicine she will go out into a Wild Enclosure.

Meadow Bear – #420!