“Thunder” Storms at ABR

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 There were some pretty intense storms in our area recently.  Fortunately, the bears were unaffected by all the rain, hail, lightning and thunder…uh-oh..THUNDER!!
During one of the storms Tiny was moved into quarters with Thunder and Amethyst. Since Amethyst moved in with Thunder he  has been very quiet.  It seems that our little female bears are somewhat dictatorial, and like to have things their way!
However, on Friday night it was difficult to tell if the “thunder” was rumbling in the clouds or in the bear pen…Tiny was in his hidey-hole and Thunder disapproved. Thunder huffed and chomped while Amethyst chimed in. Tiny just sat in the safety of his hidey-hole (one of the new crates) and waited out the “storm!”
Thunder rocked the crate in an effort to get Tiny to come out to no avail…then, they all went to sleep.
Now all is quiet and Thunder and Amethyst have accepted Tiny into their quarters. By the end of the week all three wee ones will be best buddies, hiding snugly under their Christmas tree!
This scenario is typical for little ones that are being introduced to each other.