On January 30, curators Katrina, Jamie, Seth and Greg completed the task of disassembling the platforms. All the platform planks were split into smaller pieces, to make kindling for the upcoming controlled burn in the enclosure. If the weather forecast holds, we may be able to start that process on Monday. We are supposed to have several sunny, dry days next week.
When the platforms came down, the firehose hammocks and firehose bumpers also came down. Thanks to a good friend in West Virginia and her firefighter son, we have a near-lifetime supply of firehose. Once the controlled burn is done and the platforms are rebuilt, we will build back new enrichment hammocks and bumpers.
When we rebuild the platforms, we will attach the framework to large poles rather than attach directly to our trees. The platforms will still be under the tree canopy, but our trees will be spared some of the wear and tear of little bears. Don’t worry! They will still have easy access from platform to tree. We might even add a few cubby ramps up to the platforms. Scruffy, Rags and Phoenix gave the ramps a big thumbs up (although they don’t have thumbs)!
Our team also removed the vertical den from Enclosure 1 today. The vertical dens are there to imitate “tree” dens. Bears in our area often use dens in hollowed out holes high in the treetops. It’s safe and cozy way up there. Our cubs have never denned in the vertical dens, but several cubs have enjoyed playing in them. We’re still undecided about replacing the vertical dens. Though we found the ground inside to be pretty clean (only one peanut shell), we would want to allow ourselves easy access to the inside so that they are easy to clean. More to come on plans for vertical dens!
Next week on Friday, we will travel to Menards hardware store in Richmond, Kentucky. That’s the closest Menards to us. They have a great selection of large round poles, perfect for resting platform construction. Thank you to everyone who has donated gift cards for our trip to Menards! We are currently only $289.70 from our goal of $2,279.70. The gift cards will pay for the poles that will be the foundation for all the new platforms. If we go over our goal, we will use anything extra to purchase the 2×10’s that hold up the platform planks. We won’t let a penny go unused! If you would still like to help, here’s the link to purchase the gift cards. You can send an e-gift card to ABR Dana Dodd. The email address is dana.dodd@appalachianbearrescue.org.
Curators at work!
Removing a Vertical Den.
Removing a Firehose Hammock.
There is a lot of the firehose, but we have more for replacement.
Remembering Beignet, seen here climbing up on the hammock.
And here she is, falling off the hammock. Oops!
The curators are still smiling after all their work!
This is what the platforms do to our trees – that’s why we will use large poles for the new ones!
A group from Wilderness Wildlife Week was lucky to visit the facility and learn about our upgrading projects.