Update from our curator, with explanations by us:   The temps are taking a dive again …temps were down in the 20s last night...we hope you all are as warm as ABR bears in their dens. Several bears are in the underground den in the Wild Side enclosure.  Others are in culvert dens stuffed with straw for warmth.
For the wee ones that are not denned, they have warm buddies and snug hidey-holes…some even have heat lamps!!
Our tiny Amethyst is the only bear that is alone (she is alone because she has only been with us for 3 days. New bears must be observed for at least 4 days before being introduced to a roommate buddy.  So, thanks to your generous gifts, she is nested in straw with snuggle disks and heat lamps…and she is feeling better and enjoying yogurt and Pedialyte.
Better days ahead for her because she will soon have a new family! Fortunately, the daytime temps are warming up into the 60s which will make our little ones more comfortable and encourage more exploration of the Wild Side for those who have access.
Since it’s impossible to get photos of denned yearling cubs, follow this link to our  YouTube channel where you can see several recent videos of activity in the Wild Side on recent  sunny days.  Enjoy!
NOTE:  if you can help us with the monumental task of feeding all these hungry bears, go to our ABR website to make a donation today.
Thank you!