Resourceful and Amazing Cubs!

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We never cease to be inspired and amazed by the cleverness ind ingenuity of the bear cubs. Today’s photos will illustrate why.

Wow! What a feat! The cubs managed to get the Safety Log out of their pool, even though it was weighed down by a cinderblock!
They were rewarded for their achievement by some kind of yummy treats inside. Leftover food? Insects? Your guess is as good as ours.
How many cubs are on the platform in Wild Enclosure #3? Looks like 2 to us.
A cub (we’ll learn it is Lemon Drop) decides to hoist the swingy ball up to the platform.
She is clever and persistent. Paw over paw, she brings the ball up. Now we see 3 cubs on the platform.
There! She’s got it! One cub leaves to get breakfast.
He crossed the Tire Bridge while there was no traffic.
A second cub leaves the platform to cross the Tire Bridge.
A third cub leaves the platform! All four of the chonky cubs were crammed together on that platform!Who would have thought it?
Lemon Drop is left alone to play with the ball, while the boys are at breakfast.
Lemon Drop climbs down. She can’t let the boys have all the food! Note that she left the ball where it was.
Stout and Porter Bear are checking their enclosure very carefully. One cub stands up to see and/or smell better.
Bud Bear is in the Hartley House where he has the place to himself. All three rooms are his and he has a honey log!
He also has a treat kong to tempt him.
He needs to heal and has to stay mentally challenged, through the enrichment items that the curators provide.
Over in Wild Enclosure #4, the cubs were carousing late into the night.
In the morning they were quieter. India Bear plays a flute – or is it a stick to chew on? You decide.

The clever and amazing cubs are getting chubbier and chubbier. They will be ready to take up residence in the forest before long, where they can use their cleverness to solve the problems that they may encounter in the wild.