The preparation for burning the Wild Enclosures has begun. The first step was a trip to Home Depot to purchase bales of pine straw, They donated 25 bales, and thanks to our generous supporters we were able to purchase an additional 50 bales!

Bales of pine straw loaded up and ready to go.

Curator Katrina removes tubs from the enclosure.

Now, with the fabric removed, it’s possible to blow leaves directly to the outside. Much easier than the old method of loading them into wheelbarrows for removal.

Curator Kamryn blows leaves out from perimeter fencing.

Remember the platforms?

Now they are gone, and Spud Bear showed up to check the work.

Katrina looks for a bear in the culvert den. Of course there isn’t one.

Curator Seth removes some planks to use in the controlled burn.

Curator Katrina spreads some of the pine straw.

Three curators scatter pine straw for a test bun.

Next come the branches. Hopefully, the burn will start in a day or two.

Stick around to see what happens next!