ABR Bear #273 arrived on the night of the 18th, and after a trip to UT for his checkup (yes, this cub is the second male for the year) Curator Coy brought him back to ABR by 3:00 AM on July 19th. #273 is another “cub of the year,” like Viola and Willow. He is now residing in the Acclimation Pen overlooking the Wild Enclosure where the two female cubs are residing.
#273 is nicknamed Bosco Bear. He weighs 17.6 pounds, a good weight for a wild cub, and the UT vets pronounced him healthy.
We have a photo of him at UT and one of him in Acclimation Pen #4. Hopefully, he will join Viola and Willow in the Wild Enclosure soon.

Bosco Bear at UT and in the Acclimation Pen at ABR.
We are sure that Bosco Bear will fit right in with the other two cubs and we look forward to watching their reactions to each other. Welcome, Bosco Bear!