Finding Bears

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Sometimes the bears are hard to find. This is particularly true when they are in the Wild Enclosures, but even in the Acclimation Pen, the cubs have their hiding places. Bears are timid animals, and like to keep a low profile.

We start in the Acclimation Pen, where three of the cubs (Bluebeary, Hucklebeary and Boudreaux) are currently residing.

We can see two of the cubs and some of their hiding places. Where is Boudreaux?
If you look, you’ll be able to see all three cubs, pointed out by the helpful arrows.

It’s a much bigger challenge to find Daffodil Bear in the Wild Enclosure.

A blue jay has found Daffodil in the underbrush.
There is Daffodil’s ear tag – she must be in there.
Aha! There she is, calmly enjoying an afternoon snack.

The other two yearlings, Sweetie and Hartley Bear, were easier to find today, at least briefly.

Sweetie Bear was on her way back into the underbrush. She wasn’t visible for long.

Hartley Bear enjoyed a swim in the Cubby Pool.

In the Cub House, the other two cubs, Beignet and Blackbeary, enjoyed eating their lunch and learned how tasty honeysuckle is.

These two cubs had fun getting to know about honeysuckle as they ate (and wore) some of their lunch.

It’s not often that we get to see all of the bears on one day. Lucky for us today!