The work at ABR continues! If only there were cubs to do this work – they would love it!

Curator Seth starts dismantling a Firehose Hammock.

Curators Seth and Katrina work hard – they don’t have as much fun as little bears do when destroying stuff.

Everything must come down!

Curator Jamie tackles a resting platform.

The hammock is down. Curators must remove all hammocks and resting platforms from all of the enclosures.

Laurel Valley HOA gave permission for us to pick up tree trimmings. Curators Greg and Seth went up to gather them.

Lots of flammables are needed to sustain the heat  in the controlled burns of the enclosures.

Laurel Valley is close to ABR. This bear family checked out our property in 2021, but decided to den elsewhere. The bears did visit Laurel Valley that year.

Another bear family was photographed in 2021 as they enjoyed sunbathing.

It is sunny today in Townsend, although the weather is still cool.