The three cubs were a bit more active today. At least, they didn’t spend the entire day sleeping in their daybed.

Phoenix and Rags foraged for peanuts and acorns.

Phoenix is a healthy bear cub!

So is Rags, and look how chonky he is now!

All three were more active. Maybe it had to do with the sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures. It was in the low 40s.

Scruffy the Large slept on the platform.

Can you hear him snore? Almost.

A group including curators, board members and Director Dana took a trip to Ethridge TN,  where generous Amish friends had offered us cypress slabs left over from their building.

Measure and cut – Curators Tom and Jamie were prepared.

These will be future platforms for bear cubs. Cypress wood is very strong.

Look for these planks in the platforms next year!