Cub Searches for Food

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We did a post all about Piccola, so today we will post about the other bears.  Even though all six of the Six-pack  cubs checked the Acclimation Pen the other day, looking for food in the Food Wheel, one of them decided to try again, in a spirit of optimism.


“Maybe there’s food in the Food Wheel today.”  I’ll check.


Heading over to the Food Wheel.


Nothing there, but there’s something on the floor to try.


Disappointed, the cub heads for the gate.


Not worth staying in here. Cub goes back outside.

Dash Bear was sleeping on the floor, next to her bed.  She can choose to sleep where she wants.


Dash Bear is bypassing her bed to sleep on the floor.

Yearling Magnolia is sleeping in her tree.


Magnolia Bear has filled out very well!

Another day at the ABR facility.  We can see that all the bears are looking good.