Another cold day, with more snow. We aren’t worried about the cubs, though, as bears are well-equipped for this kind of weather.

The three cubs were sleeping on the platform. Phoenix is just out of camera range, to the left of Rags.

It looks like Rags is not impressed by the weather.

Scruffy works on the slats, while Rags starts on the firehouse.

The brothers are nice and chubby.

It seemed like the three cubs were heading to their daybed, where they have spent so much time lately.

But no, this time they did not choose to sleep on the damp ground.

They went up to the platform and turned in early.

It was cold and snowy. They stayed put and didn’t get up early.

We can see the snow on their black fur. Scruffy is ripping bark from the tree.

The cypress planks for future platforms are unloaded by the curators.

You are looking at future platforms, waiting to be installed after the cubs are gone.

The work won’t stop after these cubs are released. Curators and volunteers will be hard at work preparing the facility for the class of 2025.